
Across campus, Karen Vaughan’s name has become synonymous with 最靠谱的网赌软件 Libraries. 对许多人来说,它们是一样的. From research and scholarly publishing to open access and campus-wide committee service, Vaughan’s dedication to librarianship intertwined with ODU’s Monarch community for 36 years. So, understandably, her announcement to retire at the end of July was received as bittersweet.

“Karen Vaughan has given three and a half decades of her life to 最靠谱的网赌软件,布莱恩·佩恩说, interim provost and executive vice president for academic affairs. 在她的退休派对上讲话时, 到处都是同事, 朋友和家人, he recalled meeting Vaughan in 1996 when working as an assistant professor at ODU. “我记得那时, 只要我在她身边, 她看起来很热情, 乐观, 准备好迎接一切.”

Most recently serving ODU as Head of Scholarly Communication and Publishing, 沃恩于1988年首次加入图书馆, accepting a position managing what was the new Automated Reference Center. With a Library Science degree from the University of California, 加州大学伯克利分校, Vaughan and her family decided to settle down in Norfolk within walking distance to ODU. 

“We lived a half block away for 30 years, and my three daughters grew up here,” Vaughan 分享d. “They learned how to skate and drive cars using ODU’s parking lots, 在网球场和球场上打球, 坐在我的办公室(和他们爸爸的办公室), 给其他员工涂色,监视他们, and heard all about my projects and stresses.”

Considering her contributions to the Libraries, Vaughan places the proliferation of electronic databases near the top. She credits the introduction of Gopher and the World Wide Web for enabling librarians to better guide users to Libraries’ collections and services. Creating a more efficient approach to library research, students and faculty could navigate the growing number of online resources through online instruction tools and tutorials. 另外, 回顾过去的几年, Vaughan points to her time overseeing the ODU Digital Commons and maximizing the possibilities stemming from the valuable resource.

“自2015年以来, it has made a global impact by providing open and equitable access to thousands of ODU faculty and student works that have been downloaded millions of times, 提高ODU研究的可见度,”她说。. “Our students benefit from their works in Digital Commons, whether electronic theses and dissertations or works from the 本科 研究 Symposium, faculty-sponsored research projects or articles in the OUR (ODU 本科 研究) Journal.”

And just as she inspired Libraries' staff over the decades, Vaughan grew professionally from the insight and expertise of others. 她把这归功于她的第一位ODU导师, 布赖恩福尼, 因为他的聪明和前瞻性, especially as he gained support from campus administration. 此外, Vaughan remembers Jeff Barry for introducing the idea of a Digital 服务s Center, which allowed faculty to place their syllabi online and students to explore digital projects for the first time.

"I jumped at the chance to lead that area and start our digital collections program," she recalled. "Academic librarians all over have become the champions for scholarly communication and changes to the scholarly publishing ecosystem. We pay attention to what’s happening and advocate for our universities."

As Vaughan’s professional path frequently crossed with her peers, she ensured that the Libraries’ voice was heard. She emphasized representation as the Libraries play a significant role in campus growth. 像凯伦·艾克这样的同事, ODU's assistant vice president for research, working with her on committees and projects strengthened connectivity with faculty and generated ideas for planning.

“你总是有时间, 正如其他人所说, 倾听和关心, 不仅仅是我们正在做的事情, 而是我们作为人是谁,艾克在退休庆典上说. “这对我意义重大,我永远不会忘记."

In recognition of Vaughan’s distinguished service within the field of higher education and at ODU, the University’s Board of 访问ors awarded her Library 教师 Emerita status. She encourages the Libraries to remain committed to areas of great importance, stressing continued attention paid to Open Access (OA) and the ability for all to receive access to research. 她指出, 尽管越来越多的人接受OA, commercial publishers who include excessive article processing charges hinder the practice. 沃恩希望ODU能够采用OA政策, which would make a version of nearly all faculty work available in the University repository.

“教师不会放弃他们的版权, but they have the option to assign creative commons licensing that allows them to make their research more open, more used and more cited – not just for their own promotion, but for their research to be used and generate more solutions to the world’s problems,她解释道. “需要做的还有很多.”